价 格
产品特性:重油 | 是否进口:否 | 产地:中国 |
加工定制:是 | 品牌:MAN/曼 | 型号:MAN 18V28/32S |
输出功率:3850KW | 额定电流:668A | 频率:60Hz |
转速:720RPM | 电压:4160V | 产品认证:是 |
系列:28/32 |
1. 柴油发电机组部分
Genset section
1.1. 发电机组主要技术规格
Technical specification of Genset
1.1.1. 持续功率:
Nominal maximum continuous rating:
当柴油机在720转/分时,飞轮端输出功率: 4050 kW
发电机接线端子处输出功率: 3850 kW
频率: 60 Hz
电压: 4.16kV
大气压力: 1000 mbar
冷却水温度(进空冷器前): 25℃
环境温度: 25℃
相对湿度: 30%
4050 kW on engine’s flywheel at 720 r/min;
3850 kW on terminals of alternator at 60 Hz, 4.16kV;
The output is stated at *** condition as follow:
1000 mbar ambient air pressure
25℃ cooling water temp. before charging air cooler
25℃ ambient temperature
30% relative humidity
Under the design condition (mentioned in the 3th of General), nominal maximum continuous rating is same with under *** condition, no de-rating.
1.1.2. 速度变化
Speed variation:
瞬态: 在10%以内
Momentary: within 10%
稳态: 在5%以内.
Permanent: within 5%
恢复时间: 在5秒钟以内
Recovery time: within 5 sec.
负荷变化: ***→0%→34%→67%→***
Load variation: ***→0%→34%→67%→***
1.1.3. 燃油: HFO,380cSt/50℃, MDO(DMB), MGO(DMA) , *** 8217-2010, 当燃用MDO 和MGO时,进机粘度必须大于等于2cSt,出厂台架试验时0#轻柴油(GB 252)。现场起机之前,业主应提供燃油油品报告,供卖方确认,确认满足卖方要求之后,方能动车。
Fuel: HFO, 380cSt/50℃, MDO(DMB) and MGO(DMA), *** 8217-2010, when running on MDO and MGO, the viscosity at engine inlet must be ≥ 2cSt. Shop tested running on 0# diesel oil(GB 252). Fuel oil report should be supplied before engine start at site. Engine can be started only after getting seller confirmation.
1.1.4. 柴油机与发电机为刚性连接,柴油机和发电机刚性安装在公共底座上,公共底座与基座之间为弹性安装。
Diesel engine and generator is rigid connected,and connected to a common base frame. Base frame is resilient mounted against foundation.
1.1.5. 机组铭牌: 中英文 ,卖方提供英文版本
Genset name plate: C/E, brass, seller supply English version
1.1.6. 油漆:待定;增压器:银色;防爆安全阀:黑色
Paint :unknown;TC:silver;Crankcase Relief Valve:black
1.2. 柴油机部分
Diesel engine section
General information of engine
l 型号: 18V28/32S
Type: 18V28/32S
l 型式: 四冲程、水冷、增压、空气冷却器、V型,不可逆转
Mode: Four-stoke, water-cooled, turbocharged, charge air cooling, Vee-type,non reversible.
l 缸径: 280 mm
Bore: 280 mm
l 冲程: 320 mm
Stroke: 320 mm
l 功率: 4050 kW
Power: 4050 kW
l 转速: 720 r/min
Speed: 720 r/min
l 气缸数: 18
Cyl. no.:18
l 爆发压力: 145 bar
Max. combustion pressure: 145 bar
l 平均有效压力: 19.0 bar
Mean effective pressure: 19.0 bar
l *** 3046/1 标准工况下,燃油低热值为42700 kJ/kg时,
柴油机燃油消耗率:186.1+5% g/kWh(*** load)
Under *** 3046/1 condition , and fuel oil calorific value 42700 kJ/kg,
Specific fuel oil consumption of engine: 186.1+5%g/kWh(*** load),
l 转向: 顺时针(从飞轮端看)
Rotation: Clockwise (seen from flywheel end)
l 滑油消耗量:0.4~0.8 g/kWh
Lubricating oil consumption: 0.4~0.8 g/kWh
1.2.1. 燃油系统
Fuel oil system
l 每缸一套喷油泵、高压油管、喷油器
Injection pump, high-pressure pipe, injection valve for each cylinder
l 燃油泄漏监测箱,1套/机
Leakage monitoring tank,1set/engine
l 喷油嘴冷却系统(机内滑油冷却)
Nozzle cooling system(inner lube oil cooling)
l 燃油双联滤器, 1套/机,散件供货
Fuel oil duplex filter,1set/engine,loosely supply
1.2.2. 润滑油系统
Lubricating oil system
l 公共底座
Oil sump in engine
l 机带润滑油泵
Lubricating oil pump, engine-driven
l 油底壳液位开关(LAL/LAH28)
Level switches in oil sump(LAL/LAH28)
l 电动预润滑油泵,1套/机
Pre-lubricating pump, el-driven, 1set/engine
l 电动预润滑油泵控制箱,3X480V,1套/机,散件供货
Pre-lubricating pump control box, 3X480V, 1set/engine, loosely supply
l 滑油离心滤器
Centrifugal by-pass filter
l 三通恒温阀,电动,AC 230 V ,1套/机,散件供货
Thermostatic 3-way valve, electric type,AC 230 V ,1set/engine,loosely supply
l 滑油进/出分离机接口
Connection for lubricating oil to /from separator
l 滑油: SAE40 class
Lubricating oil: SAE 40 class
非标供货/extra supply:
l 板式滑油冷却器,不锈钢, 1套/机,散件供货
Lubricating oil cooler, plate type, stainless steel,1set/engine,not mounted on engine
l 曲柄箱透气口油雾分离装置,1套/机,自制件,散件供货
Lub. Oil mist separator device ,1set/engine,made by seller, loosely supply
1.2.3. 冷却水系统
Cooling water system
l 高低温冷却水系统(高、低温水均为淡水)
HT and LT separate cooling water system (low and high water: fresh water)
l 机带高温水泵
H.T. water pump, engine-driven
l 机带低温水泵
L.T. water pump, engine-driven
l 高温水预加热器
Preheater arrangement in high temperature system
l 预加热器控制箱,3X480V,1套/机,散件供货
Preheater control box, 3X480V, 1set/engine, loosely supply
l 三通恒温阀(用于高温水系统),电动,AC 230 V ,1套/机,散件供货
Thermostatic 3-way valve (for H.T. water system) ,electric type,AC 230 V , 1set/engine,supply loose
l 三通恒温阀(用于低温水系统),电动,AC 230 V ,1套/机,散件供货
Thermostatic 3-way valve (for L.T. water system) , electric type,AC 230 V ,1set/engine, supply loose
l 电动三通阀控制箱(含滑油、高/低温水),AC 230V,1套/机,散件供货
Electric thermostatic 3-way valve control box(include lub.oil, HT/LT water), AC 230V, 1set/engine, loosely supply
1.2.4. 压缩空气系统
Compressed air system
l 24VDC起动电磁阀
24V DC solenoid valve for local/remote start and an emergency start valve
l 空气起动马达,工作压力10bar
Air starter incl. jet assist, working pressure max 10bar
l 电动盘车装置,3x480V,包括控制箱,1套/机,控制箱散件供货
Electric turning device with control box, 3x480V, 1set/engine, control box is loosely supply
l 减压阀组单元:将空气瓶中的压缩空气减压至8bar。
Pressure reduction valve unit, compressed air from the vessel will be reduce to 8bar.
l 空气瓶压力保持在16-30bar
Pressure range in compressed air vessel should be keep in 16-30bar
1.2.5. 燃烧空气系统
Combustion air system
l MAN涡轮增压器带进气弯头,外围进气系统需配置独立的进气过滤装置,进气质量满足卖方要求;进气系统负压不低于-20mbar
MAN turbocharger with inlet bend, the external intake air system must equipment with intake air filter, and the intake air quality must fulfill seller’s standard;and the intake air system pressure can not less than -20mbar
l 两级空冷器
Two stage charge air cooler
l 压气机叶轮水洗装置接口
Connection for water washing of turbocharger compressor
l 水雾分离器
Water mist catcher incl. automatic drain from charge air receiver
l Lambda控制器,带限油装置
Lambda controller. include fuel oil limiting device
l 方接圆接管;进气膨胀节,配对法兰,连接用垫片、螺栓、螺母;2套/机(双增压器),散件提供.
l Square to round connect pipe; compensator, counter flange, gasket、bolts and nut used for connect, 2set/engine(double TC), loose supply
1.2.6. 排气系统
Exhaust gas system
l 增压器排气出口方向垂直向上
Gas outlet direction of TC is vertical upward
l 增压器涡轮端水洗接口
Connection for water washing for turbine
l 增压器后排气出口法兰(圆形),法兰垫片,螺栓,螺母及膨胀接头,2套/机(双增压器),散件提供.
Expansion bellow and exhaust gas outlet flange (round type) after turbocharger, with flange, flange gaskets ,nuts, bolts ,2set/engine(double TC), loose supply
l 增压器后外部排气系统总压力降不得超过30 mbar
The exhaust system after TC. Total pressure drop can not exceed 30mbar
1.2.7. 速度控制系统
Speed control system
l Woodward UG执行器+2301E控制器(控制器带箱体,散件供货,1套/机)
Woodward UG actuator+2301E controller (controller with cabinet, loosely supply, 1set/engine)
l 接受远程开关量调速信号
Switch signal for speed remote regulation
1.2.8. 安全、控制和监控系统
Safety, control and monitoring system
l 报警及停车传感器按卖方 标准
Alarm and shutdown sensors according to seller’s standard
l 压力、温度指示及运行模块
Supervision modules for indication of pressure, temperature and operation.
l 基础模块
Base module for sensors and start/stop.
l 主轴承温度传感器
Sensors for main bearing temperatures
l 安全停车系统,超速、滑油压力低、滑油温度高、主轴承温度高、高温水温度高停车
Safety system for shutdown.
Overspeed, low lub.oil pressure, high lub.oil temperature, high main bearing temperature , high cooling water temperature.
l 对外报警输出采用MODBUS协议,RS485通讯
Alarm output through MODBUS protocol,RS485 communication
l 提供紧急停机硬线接口
Supply hardwire interface for emergency shutdown
1.3. 发电机
l 品牌:西门子
l 电压: 4.16kV
Voltage: 4.16kV
l 频率: 60 Hz
Frequency: 60 Hz
l 转速: 720 r/min
Speed: 720 r/min
l 功率因数: 0.8 (滞后)
Power factor: 0.8 (lagging)
l 功率: 3850 kW
Power:3850 kW
l 结构形式: 双支撑
Type of construction: 双支撑
l 转向: 反时针(从法兰端看)
Rotation: anti-clockwise (seen form flange end).
l 轴承: 双滑动轴承,带Pt100温度传感器
Bearing :twin sleeve bearing, with Pt100 temperature sensor, each one for after and front bearing
l 防护等级: IP 54
Degree of protection: IP54
l 绝缘等级: F级
Insulation: F class
l 冷却方式:水冷
Cooling type: water cooling
l 防冷凝加热器: AC 230 V
Anti-condensation heater: AC 230V
l 定子绕组温度传感器: 2×3 Pt100(1套备用)
2×3 Pt100 sensors in stator-winding (1 set is spare)
l 自动电压调节器箱,散件供货,1套/机
Automatic voltage regulator (AVR),loosely supply, 1set/engine
l 电缆出线方向和出线填料函规格待定
Cable glands to be confirmed
l 用于差动保护的电流互感器,6个装机
C.T for differential protection, 6sets mounted in the generator
1.4. 机组安装相关附件
Some information about installation
l 基座和公共底座之间的弹性减震块
Resilient supports between foundation and base frame.
l 提供各接口弹性软管
Supply flexible pipes for all related connections
l 柴油机所有对外接口均有配对法兰、垫片、螺栓,螺母
All external connections with counter flanges, gaskets and bolts,nuts
l 所有外接法兰尺寸按DIN 2501,排气出口法兰按DIN 86044
All external flange connections acc. to DIN 2501, exhaust gas outlet acc. to DIN 86044.
l 带扶手和阶梯的维修平台
l Gangway with ladder and railing.